Felton CAN Data Protection Policy
Data protection legislation has been updated in the form of the Data Protection Act 1998 (implementation date 1st March 2000). The Act enhances the rights of consumers in respect of information held about them by businesses.
Felton Climate and Nature (Felton CAN) takes the privacy and security of its member and supporter data seriously. We have published this guide to ensure that our members and supporters are fully informed about the effect of the legislation on the relationship between us. This document sets out the ways in which we handle information about you and your rights in respect of that information.
Generally, we receive information about you directly from you, usually when you
become a member or friend or offer to volunteer for us or complete a survey form. This information might include name and address, telephone number, e-mail address, skills, occupation, etc.

We use your information for a number of purposes which are outlined below:

• to administer and maintain your record(s) (e .g. membership and friend files and volunteering details)

• to ensure that the support we offer you continues to be the most appropriate for your needs

• to respond to any query that you might raise with us about your membership or voluntary work

• to update our systems and improve our service to you.


We undertake that we will have in place a level of security appropriate to the nature of the data and the harm that might result from a breach of security. We further undertake that we will:
• not hold information about you which is excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which it is processed
• ensure that any information about you is accurate and where necessary up-to-date (to help us to do this, please keep us informed if any of your details change)
• not keep data for any purposes longer than is necessary (we may retain records of your membership, friendship or voluntary service for a time, after your involvement with Felton CAN has ended, to enable us to resolve any subsequent queries and comply with legislative requirements).
• process your information in accordance with your rights under the Data Protection Act.
You have certain rights under the Data Protection Act in relation to the information that we hold about you. These rights are set out below.
• You may request, by writing to the address below, details of the information that we hold about you and the purpose(s) for which it is held. We will provide the information, in a permanent form, as at the time of the request, subject to any routine processing continuing between that time and the time of response. Provision of such information will be subject to a charge (as permitted by the Act), currently £10 (cheque made payable to Felton CAN). Your request will be met within 40 days of its receipt, or within 40 days of receipt by Felton CAN of verifying your identity.
• You are entitled, by notifying us in writing, to require us to cease (or not to begin) processing personal data on the grounds that it is causing, or is likely to cause substantial damage or distress to you, or another, and that the damage or distress is, or would be, unwarranted. This does not apply:
(1) where you have consented to the processing, or
(2) where the processing is necessary for entering into, or for the performance of, a contract, or (3) where the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation, or
(4) where the processing is necessary to protect your vital interests.

• You are entitled, by notifying us in writing, to require us to ensure that no decision taken by or on behalf of the Felton CAN, and which significantly affects you, is base solely on the automated processing of your information, for the purpose of evaluating such matters as reliability or conduct.
Felton CAN – Registered Office 56 Main Street, Felton, Northumberland, NE65 9PZ
If you wish to know more about your rights in respect of protection of personal data, you should write to:
Data Protection Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
or telephone 01625 545700 or view the data protection websites (www.dataprotection.gov.uk or www.dpr.gov.uk).