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CAN Values and Conduct


We Trust and Support Each Other.

We are stronger when we work together as a team. We all bring different skills and interests to the group and we value what each and every person contributes. We consistently treat each other with respect, empathy and appreciation. We encourage an environment where everyone feels included and can contribute. We have no tolerance for hidden agendas or aggressive or passive-aggressive behaviour or that which is intended or likely to jeopardise the achievement of our aims.


We Are Innovative and Forward-Thinking

We welcome and encourage new ways of thinking and are always looking at how we can create opportunities to develop a more sustainable community. We co-operate with other like-minded organisations to further our mutual interests.


We Pursue Diversity

Different views and experiences are welcomed. We embrace all cultures, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, perspectives, and are open to different ways of thinking.


We Act with Integrity

We say what we mean, mean what we say and deliver on our commitments. In our personal actions we will endeavour to reflect good environmental practices and conduct. We will recognise and declare any interest that may conflict with our membership of Felton CAN. We respect all our members’ and partners’ privacy and will protect their personal and confidential information.


We Keep our Volunteers Safe

We do all we can to minimise risks to people who help with our practical projects, assessing the possible dangers of using equipment, etc, and taking appropriate precautions.


We Have Fun

As members and friends are freely volunteering their time, knowledge and expertise, we will strive to make participation in the group a positive, co-operative, enthusiastic and fun experience. Whilst we will acknowledge any shortcomings, we will take every opportunity to recognise and celebrate our successes.

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